Thursday, January 15, 2009

5 Senses


Taste of Chaos 2008, I see most of the stage and the backs of heads, the lighting is dark with several spot lights lighting the stage. I can hear the speakers blaring and hundreds of screams from worked up fans. It smells of Axe body spray and BO. All I feel is the pressure of bodies against mine, I am covered in my own sweat as well as anybody else's who is within arms reach, the air is dense with persperation and you can almost taste the salt in the air over the bland spearmint gum that's been in my mouth for 3 hours now.

1 comment:

  1. I like this very much, and the main thing I like is how you've given specific smells and tastes to which I can relate: Axe, sweat, stale spearmint gum. Yes! This is descriptive.
