Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Girls smell too.

As girls age from child to teen and so on through adulthood so does their body odor, for the worse and for the better.

During childhood girls tend to have an almost nonexistent  scent.  Mainly because during those earlier stages of childhood hygiene and grooming is controlled by parents and unlike little boys most girls don't usually play hard enough to muster up any type of odor offensive or otherwise.  Although there are those rare occasions where dress-up not only includes wearing a My Size Barbie princess dress but also getting to use some of moms perfume too.

However, once puberty hits and girls get into their teens the mild smell of childhood vanishes leaving behind something terrible.  Unfortunately for teenage girls moderation is not religiously practiced when it comes to things like perfume, which while masking the smell of BO it also creates the whole new problem of what smells like a cotton candy body spray and hairspray cloud where ever they go.  Or even worse they go au naturale  and pay no attention to products like deodorant and soap.

Thankfully the smell of adulthood for women is much more pleasant. By then most girls have figured out that less is more when it comes to body sprays and perfumes.  Likewise with growing up and maturing they understand the importance of hygiene and deodorant, leaving behind a pleasant smell that resembles that of childhood.

From nonexistent to overpowering to finally getting it right, girls change and thankfully so do their body odors.